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5HXZ-10B Compound cleaner
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Main features:

1- Advanced technology: The machine integrates wend-sieve, gravity separator and vibration sieve. The frequency of the gravity platform is controlled by a seamless electromagnetic process. The overall performance of this product is one of the best machine in world.

2- High productivity: The machine has a highly efficient and rapid processing method , and is particularly suitable for processing and roasting operations.

3- Wide applications: The machine is ideal for cleaning melon seed (sunflower seed, water melon seed, white melon seed, red water melon seed, etc) beans, wheat, corn and rice grain and other grain-like materials.

Environmental protection: The machine comes with a cyclone duster system. It can remove dust and other light impurities.

Technical specification




For sifting sunflower seed

5000 kg/h

For sifting wheat and beans

7000 kg/h



Screen size(L×W×Layers)


Size of gravity platform



≥ 97%

Selecting rate

≥ 97.5%

Broken rate

≤ 0.5%

Total power

10.3 kw


2800 kg